Exam Training - Modern History

About this event

Study / Career
Study Committee 2023-2024
Date and time
Jun 18, 2024 15:00 - 17:00
Harmony building, Dutch: room 1315.0031, English: room 1315.0036

Exam Training - Modern History

Did Napoleon really blow up a pyramid? Do we really descend from apes? How has a cheese sandwich determined the course of history? Answers to these and other questions will be provided during the exam training for Modern History. The training will take place on June 18 from 15:00 to 17:00. There are two different classrooms, 1315.0031 for the Dutch track and 1315.0036 for the English track. Sign up via the website www.ubbo-emmius.nl and we hope to see you soon.


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