Who are we?

What is a study association?

There are many options for students who want to get involved with extracurricular activities or get in contact with other students. You can join a student association (studentenvereniging such as Vindicat, Albertus and Dizkartes), a sports club or an association for international students such as ESN. Most studies at the University of Groningen also have an association that focuses solely on the students of a particular department, like Ubbo Emmius for history students.

Many students join a study association for the discount on the books, since the annual membership fee is lower than the total discount received on study books. In the section "What is Ubbo?' here below you can read more about the benefits of a membership.

Other than the practical reasons for joining a study association there are also reasons of a more social nature: study associations organise a lot of different activities interesting for students, some more serious and study related than others. The overview of committees can offer you an idea of what kind of activities a study association like Ubbo Emmius organises for its members.

Do you have a passion for organising events? You can join one of these committees! Study associations consist of a board and several committees to organise different events throughout the year. At the beginning of each college year you can sign up for committees. At the Ubbo there is a lot to choose from, since there are 17 committees at the moment.

What is Ubbo?

The Groninger Historisch Dispuut Ubbo Emmius was founded in 1936. It is the study association for students of history at the University of Groningen. During the academic year, we organize a number of activities, varying from a History congress, several lectures and excursions, to parties, small get-togethers and theatre performances. At the beginning of the year, generally a week before classes start, we organise an introduction camp for first year students. This is an event that proves successful and memorable each year.

All these activities are organised by the different committees of Ubbo. Under the tab ‘Committees’ you can find which committees there are and what they are all about. Ubbo also offers student mentoring for first year students and a large discount on textbooks. The board of Ubbo Emmius is in charge of day to day management of the entire association and coordinates its different committees. The board changes each year. Under the tab ‘Board’ you can find this year’s board, as well as those of previous years.

Ubbo Emmius is a study association, not a student association: it is exclusively for history students. Informality and sociability are core values in our association: no obligations, only opportunities.

Membership is not expensive: just €17 a year, to be paid at the start of the academic year. This means that the member discount on textbooks is generally higher than the cost of membership itself! The only obligation when becoming a member is paying the annual membership fee. However, it would be nice to welcome you to an activity. Not only are these guarantees for a good time, but you also get to know your fellow students. So don’t hesitate and become a member! Under the tab ‘Become a member’ you can find out how to join our association.


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