Mental Support

Are you having mental or other personal problems? These are some institutions/organisations you can contact:

Wake Up Student:

Wake Up Student is an organisation which offers psychological guidance and coaching for students. They can help you to effectively combine your studying with your active student life, where purposefulness, personal development and motivation are central.

Student therapists Student Service Centre:

The student therapists of the Student Service Centre (SSC) can help you with for example stress issues from studying, psychological issues or identity issues.

Forte GGZ Students Outpatient Clinic:

Forte GGZ wants to support students to find the cause of their problems and offer them possibilities for treatment. Common problems for them are hyperactivity disorder (AHDH), anxiety disorders, autistic spectrum disorder, depression, personality disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Lentis (Psychological help):

Lentis offers help for people with mental health issues and is available for everyone of any age. 

Sexual Assault Center:

Call or chat to make a report of sexual assault or rape. Everything you discuss with them is treated confidentially. 

Discrimination Hotline Groningen:

This organisation wants to prevent, to signal and to fight discriminatory expressions, behaviours or regulations. Reporting any of these situations is possible via the website. 

Switchboard (Information service for the LGBTQ+ community):

Switchboard is the information and support service for the lesbian, gay bi and transgender community in the Netherlands. 

Mentaal Beter Groningen:

Mentaal Beter is specialised in GGZ treatments for depression, anxiety disorders, hyperactivity disorder (AHDH), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), personality disorders and somatic symptom disorders. 

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