Culture Committee

Culture Committee 2024-2025
Quint Roemaat (2022) | Chair |
Anna Ekema (2021) | Vice-Chair |
Michelle Olthof (2023) | Secretary |
Jiddo van Seventer (2023) | Treasurer |
Anneroos Bos (2022) | PR |
Lisan Ekster (2023) | PR |
Ronja Groenewolt (2021) | PR |
Haye Mellema (2022) | Commissioner of Internal Affairs |
Bonne journée, Good day, Guten Tag, Goeie dei, 良い一日, Bom dia, goedendag,
The Culture Committee has taken the job on them to keep you cultured and informed during this study year. With a talent show, a cultured day to an old Dutch city, a secret cultural activity and two beautiful cultured movies, we of the culture committee hope that by the end of the year you are more cultured than you have ever been. The Culture Committee organises these activities under the leadership of our cult leader Quint. A cult leader may sound frightening and dangerous, but when you talk to him you find out he is just a chill guy. Every Cult leader needs of course a right hand woman and Anna is just that. The pair keeps the rest of the Cult under their thumb. Although cults often like to work under the radar, our cult does have a secretary, Michelle, so the world will eventually know what we were up to and could make a Netflix documentary out of it. Jiddo is the treasurer of the cult and he keeps us smart and informed with a money fact during our meetings. So cultured of us, isn’t it? Last but certainly not least, the cult has the three musketeers: Ronja, Anneroos and Lisan. They are in charge of the communications to the big scary world about our cultural activities. But that is enough about our cult, we hope to see you at our cultural activities some time in the year!