Lecture by Philip Dröge: The Tawl

About this event

Study / Career
Lecture Committee 2023-2024
Date and time
Feb 15, 2024 19:00 - 21:30
Senaatszaal, Academy Building

Lecture by Philip Dröge: The Tawl

Dear Ubbo Emmians,

Time flies, as it's already time for our second lecture of this committee year.
Thanks to our friends at Groniek this lecture will be given by renowned author, journalist, columnist and historian Philip Dröge. His works are often described as historic literary non-fiction, but in his own words they are 'stories that just beg to be told.' Furthermore, he is also active as a speaker on both radio and tv, and writes for newspapers and magazines both in- and outside the Netherlands.
The lecture will explore the Tawl, the American version of Dutch that was spoken for centuries in the states of New York and New Jersey. Not until the 20th century did the dialect fall out of fashion. For his work Philip Dröge biked on American roads looking for leftovers of America's Dutch past, which resulted in many wonderful stories.
Be sure to join us in the Senaatszaal of the Academy building on the 15th of February.
Walk-in is at 19:00 and the lecture starts at 19:30. After the lecture we will have drink at the Buckshot.
Sign up on the website and we'll see you there!


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