Lecture III: Authenticity and Absence

About this event

Study / Career
Lecture Committee 2023-2024
Date and time
Apr 2, 2024 19:00 - 21:30
Senaatszaal, Academy Building

Lecture III: Authenticity and Absence

Dear Ubbo Emmians,

We would like to welcome you on the 2nd of April for our third lecture of the academic year. The lecture will be related to the trip to Bratislava and Budapest, and will take place before the information evening. The theme of this lecture is "Authenticity and Absence: Finding Central European Jewish Heritage in today's Central Europe.". It will be given by Prof. dr. Sarah A. Cramsey; Special Chair for Central European Studies and Director, Austria Centre Leiden, Assistant Professor of Judaism and Diaspora Studies Centre for the Study of Religion at Leiden University. She will draw on twenty years of researching, teaching and traveling in "Central Europe" and question what visitors seek when they look for "real heritage" on their travels. She will discuss presumably "Jewish spaces" in places like Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Krakow, Minsk, Warsaw and Oswiecim. Then, she will offer personal and academic reflections to problematize the interlocked issues of authenticity and absence which confront us when look for history and links to the past in our own backpacking present.

We would love to see you at the Senaatszaal on the 2nd of April. Walk in is at 19.00 and the Lecture starts at 19.30. Following the lecture the information evening for the big trip will take place, after which there is the possibility to join us for a drink at the Buckshot.

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