Exam Training: Economic and Social History

About this event

Study / Career
Study Committee 2023-2024
Date and time
Feb 26, 2024 15:00 - 17:00
Harmony building, Dutch: room 1315.0042, English: room 1313.0316

Exam Training: Economic and Social History

Did you pick history as a major to finally get out of math? Does seeing a production formula completely ruin your mood? Come to the exam training for the Theme Cconomic and Social History on February 26th from 15:00-17:00! The training will be given in both Dutch and English, both in the Harmonie Building. The English training will take place in room 1313.0316. The Dutch training will be given in 1315.0042. We hope to see you soon!

Lots of love from StuCo '23-'24.


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