Exam Training - Historical Research IV: Sources

About this event

Study / Career
Study Committee 2023-2024
Date and time
Jun 13, 2024 15:00 - 17:00
Harmony building, English: room 1315.0043, Dutch: room 1315.0036

Exam Training - Historical Research IV: Sources

Are you not ready to diagnose a source? Are you only diagnosed as a procrastinator? StuCo is helping you out by giving the HR IV exam training! The training will be given June 13th from 15:00-17:00. The exam trainings will take place at the Harmony building. The English training will be in room 1315.0043 and the Dutch training will be in room 1315.0036. For now, you can sign-up using the website, ubbo-emmius.nl.

Loads of love from your nerdiest committee, 

StuCo '23-'24.


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