Theatre Workshop

About this event

ACT-Committee 2023-2024
Date and time
Dec 11, 2023 19:00 - 21:00

Theatre Workshop

Hope you missed us. The ACT-Committee for sure missed you. 

We are here, and more importantly we are very excited to announce this year’s theatre workshop. 

This workshop is for you, the person who has always wanted to see what theatre is about, the person who did theatre in high-school and misses it so much, the person who wants to check the theatre box on their bucket list, or just the person who wants to have some fun on a Monday evening. 

Sounds good? Then sign up via the link below and see you there!

11th of December, 19:00

Room 1315.0037 Harmonie building 

P.S: We have free snacks and drinks!

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